Music Scholarship 2026

Medbury has very well appointed Music Suites and a motivated staff, with fifteen visiting music tutors, teaching a comprehensive range of instruments.

Music groups include an Orchestra, a Concert Band, a Jazz Band and Rock Band. 

Medbury has a Senior Choir, a Junior Choir, and the Medbury Chorus. Music education is an integral and important part of education at the School.

The Music Scholarship

We are looking for a boy who is:

  • genuinely committed to music.
  • learning music because he enjoys doing so.
  • keen to be involved in school musical activities and the corporate life of Medbury.

Format for the interview

  1. Introduction.
  2. The boy plays his two contrasting pieces. Short ear tests and questions to assess his musicianship.
  3. Questions from the panel on his present involvement in music, his practice routines, his breadth of musicianship and his general interest.
  4. The short­–listed candidates will be interviewed by the Headmaster.

The entry form below must be submitted online before (tbc).

The Music Auditions will be held at Medbury on T(tbc).

The Scholarships will be offered on (tbc) and acceptance must be made on or before (tbc).

I have read and I accept the conditions of entry of the Medbury Scholarship and I wish my son to sit the audition
Please attach a copy of your son's birth certificate or passport (pdf, jpg or png)
Please attach a copy of your son's most recent school report (pdf, jpg or png)

* - Required fields

Conditions of Entry

  • To apply for a Year 7 Music scholarship entrants must be currently in a Year 6 class and must be under the age of eleven years and six months on 1 August 2025.
  • All applicants must provide their most recent school report when applying to sit for a scholarship to Medbury School.
  • No scholarship will be awarded until the applicant has been interviewed by the Headmaster, and is deemed to meet the necessary interview criteria.
  • A scholarship may be withdrawn from a boy whose behaviour, or application to his work, is unsatisfactory.
  • A boy is not eligible to win both an Academic and a Music Scholarship.
  • In the case of international students the scholarship amount is based on the domestic school tuition fee, and not the international school fee.