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Aristotle EI Activities - ParentEmotions Tip Sheet - Parent
Soothing Box
Soothing Box - Parent (Years 5 to 8)Soothing Box - Student (Years 5 to 8)
Mindfulness - Parent (Years 1 to 4)Mindfulness - Parent (Years 5 to 8)Mindfulness - Student (Years 5 to 8)
Gratitude Jar
Gratitude Jar - Student (Years 1 to 4)Gratitude Jar - Parent (Years 5 to 8)Gratitude Jar - Gratitude Journal (Years 5 to 8)
Inside Out (Years 1 to 4)Paint my Emotions (Years 1 to 4)The Way I Feel (Years 1 to 4)Sometimes I'm a Bombaloo (Years 1 to 4)Today I feel silly (Years 1 to 4)Emotions Tracker - Student (Years 5 to 8)Emotions Tracker - Parent (Years 5 to 8)Coping with Emotions - Student (Years 5 to 8)Coping with Emotions - Parent (Years 5 to 8)Worries - Student (Years 5 to 8)Worries - Parent (Years 5 to 8)
Self-care resource - Student (Years 5 to 8)Self-care resource - Parent (Years 5 to 8)
Belonging - Student (Years 5 to 8)Belonging - Parent (Years 5 to 8)
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