Dear Members and Neighbours of the Medbury School Community

With the end of the 2020 academic year quickly coming to an end, it is hard to believe we will be farewelling a second cohort of Year 8 boys, who have had the privilege to have worked out of the Foundation Building.

Medbury’s latest Master Plan project has assisted almost 200 boys in their preparation and readiness for transition into High School. This state-of-the-art learning facility has been framed against an ever maturing backdrop of lush lawns and maturing plantings and is settling into the overall footprint that was previously a combination of groundsmen’s sheds and parking spaces.

The finishing touches to this project, which will see the installation of the pedestrian bridge linking the new staff car park and the Foundation Building along with landscaping of this area, will commence on Wednesday 9 December 2020.

The first stage will involve laying the foundations for the bridge. This will involve the driving in of steel pike casinos between Thursday 10 December and Tuesday 15 December 2020. There will be an added noise component during this process and neighbours may also notice some associated vibrations.

The foundation process will continue through to Tuesday 22 December 2020 in readiness for the delivery and installation of the pre-manufactured pedestrian bridge.

The bridge will be craned in and then secured in early January to ensure this project is complete for the recommencement of school on Wednesday 27 January 2021.

Thank you for your ongoing patience and support during the redevelopment of this area. We will continue to work with the construction team to ensure minimum disruption during the preparation of foundations and placement of the bridge.

If you have any concerns with any of the works over the coming month, please contact our Business Manager, Mr Brian Loughhead at

In the meantime, we wish you and your family, a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for a Happy 2021.

Yours sincerely

Ian Macpherson

Construction Update 72