Music Exchange with King's School 

It was a pleasure to welcome the 30-strong Jazz Band from King's School in Auckland to Medbury this week. The boys arrived on Sunday evening and we had 14 wonderful host families that billeted the students for two nights.

On Tuesday, Medbury’s Jazz Band and Orchestra joined King’s College Jazz Band for a workshop and performance, building skills and enjoying the chance to play in a larger ensemble. The boys also enjoyed a game of bowling and lunch at Zone Bowling which was a great opportunity for them to get to know each other.

The exchange culminated in a joint concert for Years 3 to 6 students on Tuesday afternoon. Each group showcased individual pieces, followed by a combined performance of two fantastic pieces arranged by Michael Bell from King's School. A closing afternoon tea capped off the event, leaving students and staff eager for future collaborations.

A huge thanks to King's school staff; Kirsten Scouller (Director of Music and Performing Arts), Drew Hutchinson (Jazz Band Director) and Megan Ward (Performing Arts Assistant) for making the exchange such a success.

A special thanks also to the families that offered to host the students from King's in order to make the exchange happen. We really appreciate your support of the music department.

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